WJBL Organization

WJBL is an all-volunteer nonprofit organization. Our strength and backbone are all our volunteer coaches. If you have a question about anything please either email our Executive Board, or find a Board member at a game or field. You may also email our general account at WeymouthJuniorBasketball@gmail.com. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 342, South Weymouth, MA, 02190.
Executive Board 2024-25
Rich Fazzi, President@WeymouthBasketball.com
Kate Daley and Andy McLean, VP@WeymouthBasketball.com
Alicia Lyons, Treasurer@WeymouthBasketball.com
Celia Civello, WJBLsecretary@gmail.com
Members at-large 2024-25
Jason Alonzi
Steve Anzalone
Mike Cosgrove
Sarah Fishkin
Dan Gilbert
Luke Luciani
Walter Lyons
Phil Massano
Dave Powers
Mark Rogers